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Friday, October 29, 2010

Georgia seeks Arizona-like immigration law- Critique

In almost all the states that border Mexico, illegal immigration is becoming a major problem for the neighboring states to deal with. Like Arizona, Georgia is also considering to make stricter laws against illegal immigration. Georgia is not considering adopting the extreme measures like Arizona, and they don’t plan on requiring police to check immigration status, while enforcing laws. But however Georgia is debating the birthright citizenship. Legislators are also debating whether to ban illegal immigrants from Georgia colleges or not. I think this will be a terrible idea for them to do so. Attending college should not be determined by citizenship, test scores and grade point averages should be more important.  For one state to enforce stricter Illegal immigration laws in this country is no good at all. Illegal immigrants can travel from state to state with ease.
If the United States really wanted to keep the illegal immigrants out of the country they can do so by enforcing national laws, such as stronger employer sanctions and penalties, more manpower and funding for border control.  But the majority of the Americans do not mind the illegal immigrants in their country, as long as the immigrants are doing the “dirty” jobs here in America.
 To illustrate this, Stephen Colbert recently testified before the U.S. House of Representatives about the day he spent working with farm workers in the fields of California. The farm workers had invited interested Americans to spend a day working with farmers to see for themselves what farm work is really like. Only a handful of people accepted the invitation, showing most Americans don’t want to do the back breaking labor that illegal farm workers do to support their families and earn a wage much higher than in their native countries.
The immigration debate is complex, emotionally charged with serious political, economic and social consequences. Some politicians and political commentators would rather demagogue the issues rather than try to reach comprehensive immigration reform.

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